VL 2.1.7 suggestion and maybe small bug(s)

Hi Team,
Couple things on the lyrics tab chord integration feature.
First, I’d like to see the chords highlighted in time with the music just like the lyrics.
Second, when changing for example an A# to a Bb in the chord tab, it first appears that all the A#s are changed in the chord tab, only to go back to the lyrics tab and find they have reverted to the previous value. Back to the chord tab and with the exception of the original one which was changed, all the A#s are still A#. If the one-at-a-time method is the intended design, then only the affected chord in the chord tab should change. I can provide an example of this if necessary, but it seems to me that this should be pretty simple to reproduce.
Finally, I have a song which has a D7/9 chord (built in Cubase) which is not represented correctly in VL after the project is imported.

Thanks again for all the hard work on this excellent product.

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… good point. We’ll add that. Thank you.

… yes, please, an example would be helpful. But do I think that it has nothing to do with the jumps between CHORD, LYRICS and back. Try CHORD, MIXER and back. Same problem, right?

… we’ll check.


And thank you for your help :slight_smile:

See you

I captured a screen video which demonstrates this issue. When the video first starts, note a bunch of A#/D in the chord column. I switch to the chords tab and select the first A#/D, then hit the “#” button at the bottom - all the chords on this page change to Bb/D (as I believe they should). Switch back to the lyrics tab and the chords column only shows the first chord changed. Back to the chords tab and all but the one I explicitly changed to Bb/D have reverted to A#/D. Then back to the lyrics tab only to display only the first two changes have been saved. I had to go thru the entire song and change the chords one at a time in order to get them all to display properly. Hope this helps you understand what I’m saying. Here’s the video: Screen Recording 2024-10-06 at 9.46.17 AM.mov.zip - Google Drive
(too big to upload directly - put it in Google Drive)
Let me know if you need a copy of this project - happy to share it with you.
Edit: BTW, tried your suggestion of switching from the chords tab to the mixer and back and the chords reverted to the A#/D as before. -e
Okay, I put a copy of the entire project out there too - should help you reproduce it. Gold Dust Woman.zip - Google Drive
One other thing that I noticed is that sometimes when I hit the # button, the /D is removed from the chord - strange. -e

Thanks a lot for the project!
Will try to reproduce/fix and get back.

Thanks a lot for the project. Upcoming version will keep the hash setting when changing views.
There is more though, track still not updated, we will examine that later. Also chords should be able to set hash/b individually.

Cool - let me know if I can be of any more help - ew

Additional suggestions: @musicullum

  • Option for text formatting (color single words/sentences or make them bold in the lyrics window)
    → We have lead vocals and live backing vocals. The backing vocals, for example, are not sung in the complete chorus. Sometimes it’s just individual words, sometimes just half the verse. It would be great to be able to mark the sung parts via formatting.

  • individuell lyrics windows with individual chords
    It would be nice if every band member which connects via app can click a button with his name and a personal lyrics window is displayed.
    → We have as example 3 guitarists which plays on different tunings. Guitarist one plays on E-standard-tuning. The other guitarists on D-standard-tuning. Therefore it would be very helpful when different lyrics windows/views can be created (for every band member). It should be possible that (for the example above) that guitarist 2 and 3 can individually transpose (not global) every song for the chords view.

  • add color bars for song parts in lyrics window
    Can you add a bar on the right side (or a colored frame around the lyrics window) of the lyrics window which indicates the actually played part of the song? As example a red bar / frame for chorus, a green for verse and so on. Colors should be set like in cubase with markers in the tracks window on the timeline.

  • add additional “column” on right side in lyrics window for notices
    → As example: If a solo-part is played I write in the lyrics window the actually bar of the solo and the length of the solo for a progress view.

    Sometimes it´s a solo parallel to lyrics. And then it´s difficult to reach a clean view.
    I can only integrate the status (1/8 and so on) in the lyrics line. Therefore a separate column on the left side would be nice.

Feel free to ask me if you need more explanations.

Thx kraimor

Considering to make the hash button a menu with “#”, “b”, “All #”, and “All b”.
the first 2 will then set the hash property for the selected chord. What do you think?

Next version will change beahaviour of the Chords editor.
When a chord is selected, the #/b button will take on the chords’ #/b state, and clicking the #/b button will change it only for the selected chord, so you can set mixed cycle of fifth/fourth.
If no chord is selected, it will ask if you want to apply the selection to all chords (like it was before).

No response…
Noticed that the chord buttons should change when hash is changed, fixed with next version (presumably, today).

Indeed - that is a bug, sorry, also fixed with the next version.