Vmediaplayer issues (v2.1.27)

Err, that was massive so I wont clog the board…

Hi! Hold on,
You are under Win, so here is the Crash dump file location.
windows : C:\Users\Your_Username\Documents\Steinberg\CrashDumps

Insert if you find crashdump for VSTLive 2.1.31 (the newest version) here!

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Not got a crash dump in there since last year pal. A mystery indeed!

I will add that it was both crashes and hangs. Had 2 instances of a big nasty noise and red screen followed by the programme closing itself, and the rest were hangs.

That should create a crash dump!

A hang (or “freeze”) usually does not produce a crash dump, as it is stuck.

VST Live Version 2.1.32 2025.1.19 (1.2 MB)
Got a crash today that produced a dump (hooray). Although I was using the media module to cycle a background video this happened between songs when nothing else was going on. Just texting between songs in rehearsal and noticed it had closed on my computer… quite alarming…
update - its when I select specific song in my setlist. I rolled back to 2.31 and the crash doesn’t happen. Only in 2.32. Not sure if its media player related so this may not be the best post for it but I now have a couple crash dumps they are useful?

Hi @HonkyTonk,

we are still investigating that one.

Can you give me your other crash dumps, please?

See you,

VST Live Version 2.1.32 2025.1.19 (1.2 MB)
Also this one

Thank you. We can entagle your crash dump and added measures to try and prevent it to happen. Pls let us know should there still be crashes or freezes with the next version scheduled for today.

@HonkyTonk, have you tried it V2.1.33? Is it still crashing? D you have a new Crash-Log for us?


Hi @Spork - I tried it with 2.1.33 today. First time it shut down abruptly but did not create a crash dump. Subsequently it has not crashed but exhibits strange behaviour. I’ve put a screen grab below to try and explain.
Essentially, in the media module quick actions tab, the button can be highlighted as ‘on’ but the text above says ‘off’. I can send a virtual MIDI for a quick action and the button will light up as if it has received the command (i.e. move to marker 2), but the text will read ‘off’ and the action wont take place (i.e. it wont move to marker 2’.).
On the video you see there are several strange misfits on the buttons reading various states of on and off with buttons highlighted or no. At 41s a MIDI command is sent to go to marker 2, which is received but not enacted on, as shown by the button highlighting but nothing happening with the video.

this is really a tiny one, but in future would be practical to see
Audio / Video outs in collapsed mode. Currently Audio is visible but Video is hidden. Look: