VocalChain on Group Track not opening?

Hey Friends,

Adding VocalChain to Group track for processing 4 vocals that I am summing - As I normally do - and I cannot open the VC plugin once I insert it. Nor can i remove the plugin from the group track either.
Double checked that I can use other plugins and open them - no problems at all - but vocal chain doesn’t want to open…

VocalChain opens on a single vocal track - so my solution currently is to have the settings set correctly on one Vocal track - then duplicate by opt+click+drag (alt+click+drag) the plugin to a different track to make it uniform…

Anyone else had a similar issue?
Is VocalChain not meant for group tracks? I feel like its a no brainer that it should work…maybe because it’s stereo and my vocal tracks are mono?
Any ideas would be helpful!

Many thanks,

Try disabling the constrain delay compensation on the far left side of the transport bar.

Thank you Greg! I now still have hair on my head!