voice 2, rests, stems

I found the FAQ about starting/stopping v2 to hide rests and (I hope) to return to one-voice stem direction. However, when I try to invoke start/stop voice in properties (either Write or Engrave) after having selected the note that begins or ends where I want V2, the toggle to turn this on won’t stick. It immediately jumps back to off.

I have worked around this by moving and hiding rests, making them 0% opaque. But I can’t find a place in properties (or anywhere else) to adjust stem directions.


  1. is start/stop v2 not yet working?
  2. is there any other way to hide rests?
  3. is there any way to flip stem direction?

Thanks. I am a Finale lifer (from v1), and so far am extremely impressed with Dorico. Learning it is easy, and most everything looks great without the need for much tweaking. Congrats on a great beginning!

  1. this is working - but see below
  2. afaik it’s not
  3. right-click and select stem>force stem…

I accidentally managed to recreate what you describe initially
Then I just deleted the half rest in voice 2 by placing the caret and backspacing over it. The rest was automatically recreated. Then I attempted it again and it worked normally. Maybe it’s a hidden bug, the experts will know…

Although we generally try to hide the dirty details, there is a difference between rests that Dorico creates on its own to fill in the gaps in voices, and rests that you have either input yourself or set a property on (e.g. changing the rest’s staff position, or setting it to end a voice, etc.). Rests that you have set a property on can’t be hidden by setting ‘Ends voice’ on a previous note or rest. But as Frank has found, you can delete such a rest and then the ‘Ends voice’ property on a previous note will work as expected.

Great. That worked almost everywhere, and the 0% opacity trick worked in the two places it didn’t. Also, the right click (Mac, cntr-click) brought up a wealth of great things on a selected stem!

What can I do to start voice 2 in the middle of the measure. I don’t need the half rest at start.

Select the rest and go Edit > Remove Rests.
This functionality was introduced some time in 2017; it’s really worth keeping an eye on the dates of the threads you’re looking at, as threads from as far back as 2016 (such as this one) are very likely to be out of date.

Thank you…

I highly recommend creating a key command for remove rests. It comes in handy, especially for piano music that often needs to be flexible with voices.