Hi Team, I’m having difficulty setting up different stem directions/voice for the bass drum. In flow 1 the Bass drum is in voice 2 and stem going down. In flow 2 I need the bass drum to be in voice 1 and going up with the other parts of the kit.
I’m having difficulty getting the cross over. Please see attached loom video to show what I’m experiencing. Thank you!
Thank you for chiming in. I tried adding another instrument to the player but then it gave a second staff. Is there a way to show only the one staff for a platter has multiple instruments?
Hi @Grant_C, here two suggested methods/workflows:
Method A:
Here a method to achieve what you are asking for, without the need of duplicate instruments/kits. There is a dedicated Change Voice in the contextual menu, under Percussion. And you can easily select your desired instrument from the Key Editor (that you can activate also from Write mode).
I made a visual guide and a short video to show a possible workflow:
If you want to use a duplicate instrument, you need to create it inside the same Kit. And either (during writing) assigning the notes to this duplicate instrument that has different stem directions, or (after the fact) dragging existing notes to this instrument, in the key editor.