I’m lost trying to find the best approach to entering music in different voices with different dynamics in a percussion kit. I saw info in the forum suggesting switching to single-line instruments for note entry and tried that. Then I saw that you can switch individual notes through a rather complicated menu selection (edit-notations-percussion-voice). But now how can I enter/show rests when I want to in the other voices?
Any advice on best practices here would be great.
a) Finale original
b) entering in single-line
c) result after switching back to 5-line (no dynamics)
d) selecting individual notes and changing voice, but need a few rests still.
Is there no way to enter music (notes AND rests) in different voices as with regular staves?
In general you don’t need to enter rests, even in percussion kits. See the options on the Percussion page of Library > Notation Options for Dorico’s approach to rests. You can also edit the default voice assignment for each instrument in the kit when shown in a five-line staff using the Edit Percussion Kit dialog.
If you ultimately want the music to be displayed in a five-line staff, I think I would be inclined to input it directly in that presentation: you can move the caret to different instruments in the kit using the up and down arrow keys, then hit Y to input a note at the caret position, or if you prefer you can pretend that the kit uses either a treble G or bass F clef, and then use the appropriate letter names for each position.
Thanks, Daniel!
I haven’t managed to get the dynamics correct yet. For example here where I want one tom to fade out faster and more than the other. I have the notes in different voices, but so far can’t get the correct playback.