VSL Assigning instruments problem with channel playback

I have routed 3 “20 horns” to channels 1,2,&3 in Haleon
In “VST & MIDI” only channel 2 is visible, channels 1 & 3 are not accessible
so I can only assign the VSL to track 2. So…
I proceed to the VSL “advanced” window and drag 20 Horns sustained to the channels to 1,2,& 3 in the far right window, and behold, all three horn tracks play, but only in mixer track/channel 2. 1 and 3 are silent.
Took a long time to to get this far. What am I doing wrong?
Why aren’t channels 1 & 3 showing? You can point me to a video that explains this – I couldn’t find one. the VSL/Dorico rudiments seem nowhere to be found

Hi @pfinley51 , you refer to Halion, but doesn’t VSL use the Synchron Player? (Do you use also Vienna Ensemble Pro?). Which library are you using by VSL exactly?

If you google for “dorico vsl” you find many videos explaining things.

The VST & MIDI tab shows the rack of VST instruments that are loaded. The numbers start at 02 because the Dorico beep reserves 01.

The Track Routing tab shows which channel within each VST to which each instrument is routed.