After the installation of 2.13.25 my audio tracks are gone. Songa don’t play anymore. When downgrading to 2.1.33 tracks are back and songs play again. This concerns a big compilation project of 92GB .
The same thing happens to me, in a setlist of 17 songs, in one song (only in one) the audio tracks, time track disappear. I go back to the previous version and everything is fine there.
Tested 15 test projects (mostly from you guys) and no such problems.
Could you pleeease let us have one prjoject that exposes this issue?
Any form welcome, reduced, or even without audio (just the .vlprj file), thanks a lot!
To make it even more interesting I’ve noticed that when the project is loaded after a couple of minutes I’m starting to have an audio feedback… noise thus. It goes away when I shut down VST… hope you can make something out of this puzzle. I’ve sent you the .vlprj file via message
I am also having this issue in ver 35. But it’s only the 1st song or Song 1 in the list. None of the tracks are there.
I opened the same session in V32 and the tracks are there in Song 1.
… we are really sorry for that problem, but we cannot reproduce it currently. Can someone give us access to a full project? Please PM me the download details.
I also rolled through my relative big project and havent experienced such. @musicullum and @Spork would be able diagnose this issue with a smple project from you guys
Thank you so much for your test projects.
We have identified the (very weird) problem and it will be fixed with the next version.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience.