VST Connect Performer not opening

downloaded latest version and installed. shortcut on desktop.
when clicking to start the window shows up as if starting

but the it disappears again without giving me the expected window to operate it.
uninstalled–re-installed: no luck

Cannot determine your operating system. Looks like Windows, if so, for Performer try and delete

C:\Users(yourname)\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\VST Connect Performer.ini

You reported problems with the SE plugin, so likewise, on the studio computer you could delete VST Connect.ini in the same directory path.

C:\Users(yourname)\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\VST Connect.ini

no VST Connect Performer.ini present anywhere (Windows 10)
deleted VST Connect.ini and re-started: same fault: Mixer offline.

performer ini only exists on performer computer (or yours once you started performer)

thats the problem: Performer does not start properly as described in the initial post. reinstall etc does not help…
here a gif what happens:
VST Connect Performer

But then Performer has never ever started correctly, right?
There should be crashlog files (probably, many) in
can you send us the most recent starting with vst connect performer or similar? Thanks!
It would also be helpful to know what audio interface you are using, if it’s on board with ASIO4All also your sound hardware.

thanks for hanging in there with me.
crashdump is 15Mb too big for here. here a link

there is also a system report there
i’m using RME UFX via USB

Thank you, we will examine those files and get back to you.

Hi @kamalski,

you have installed “Tools for CMC”. With that one, a file called

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Steinberg\Shared Components\cmc_extension_u.dll

will be installed. This file troubles VST Connect Performer. We will investigate why. But for the moment the only chance is to rename the file

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Steinberg\Shared Components\cmc_extension_u.dllx

Or uninstall the tools.


yes, that was the culprit.
looks like my CMC Pad Controller is still working…
thanks for the support

another note: it seems VST Connect and Performer can not connect when things run through a VPN connection. might be a good idea to mention that in the instructions.