Dorico (1.5 MB)
Sorry, but couldn’t you be at least a little bit specific about what your problem is and what we are supposed to look out for?
Just having issues getting instruments to play. I don’t have any issues on my mac, just windows at work.
Hi @ROBERT_WADDELL , that is still not specific enough. Are you missing plug-ins? I can see that you don’t have many, just the standard HALion Sonic and Groove Agent SE plus the Aria Player. Are you expecting to see more? Or do the existing ones not play anything at all? Can you make a demo project and upload here?
Test.dorico (706.1 KB)
Dorico (1.3 MB)
When I open your file, I see that none of the VSTs (HALion) have any instruments loaded in them.
So, if reapplying the Playback Template doesn’t fix it, then I’d suggest you check whether the samples are actually installed.
Right, when I load the test project I also get a HALion Sonic with no patch loaded. @ROBERT_WADDELL , when you choose from Dorico’s main menu Play > Playback Template, are there any templates listed with you? If yes, which ones. And if you apply one of the templates, does that work, does HALion Sonic then load sound patches?
And if you’ll follow the advice, you’ll obtain your audio
This if
Yes, one that I have renamed called Church Orchestra which has "HSO, Halion Sonic Sel, Olympus, GASE
And if you select that and then press Apply and Close, does it then load sounds into HALion Sonic?
no it doesn’t
It starts to cycle and then another window comes up with the piano installed. The keyboard is active and I can click on notes and hear the piano. the orchestra is grayed out and no sounds
After I reinstalled the vst files, I got the same result. I checked the details and no warnings were there.
We’ll check tomorrow again…