VST Live 2.1.3 Issue midi receive

I have issues with 2.1.3 with receiving midi messages on some routings/channels. (Ch 4 and 5, name of this port is ‘Hammond’), while other inputs are working.
Midi monitor (intern/extern) looks good, but somehow the instruments stays ‘silent’. Instrument works with ‘on screen keyboard’ (audio is ok)
Instrument does not receive midi messages (I tried a instrument function to map midi function - no response)
Back to 2.1.2. all is fine with the same projects (I tried it with multiple projects).

Plz plz use search or just scroll 5-8post before opening new topic :sweat_smile::smiling_face:

Right, there is a bug in 2.1.3, will be fixed with 2.1.4.

@musicullum please also check midi connection with ACTION AND SHORTCUT, midi channel of remote is received in the midi monitor, BUT NO ACTIONS WORK.
I roll back to 2.1.2 and it’s fine again.

2.1.4 I confirm solved midi connection with ACTION AND SHORTCUT thanks