I purchased VST Live 2 a while ago but just getting started with it now. I have a bunch of Cubase projects to export to VTS Live; when I search for instructions on how to do it, everything I find says to go to “File > VST Live”… but in my Cubase Pro 14, there is no VST Live option in the File menu. Was this option removed or moved?
If I try to import a .cpr file, I get an “Unknown File Format” error. So I don’t know what to do here.
My apologies if this is better addressed in the Cubase forum, but I found a similar post about this there (link below) and nobody responded or answered it, so I’m asking here.
I also searched thru the Cubase Pro 14 Manual and there’s zero mentions of “VST Live”.
I also tried exporting a Cubase project as a DAWproject file, but got another “Unknown File Format” error in VST Live.
And I’d rather not have to reinstall Cubase unless I absolutely have to, I’m concerned about overwriting other settings/preferences if I do that. And considering VST Live isn’t even mentioned in the C14 manual, it doesn’t seem likely that a reinstall would solve the problem, but I don’t know.
Hi! Basically both C13 and C14 supports export media project o VSTLive. C14 furthermore supports DAWproject that VSTLive supports too.
Although there is something problem at C14 with unicode chars in DAWproject export, but that one is promised as fixed in upcoming C14 update.
But generally you should be able to export to VSTLive and import from VSTLive using either C13 or C14. I’m personally using that feature for quite each songs to import my Cubase arrangements
… is not part of Cubase. It’s an extension which will be installed from the “VST Live” Installer. Do you have VST Live installed? On the same Cubase machine?
Aah, well that explains a lot. I have C14 installed on the PC in the studio; VST Live is only on my laptop. Didn’t realize you had to have both installed on the same computer for it to work. (I couldn’t find anywhere in the manual where this is articulated, it could be made more clear).
I like to keep my studio PC “clean” and try not to install anything on it that I don’t need for studio recording, which is why VST Live is only on the laptop.
But I just installed it on the PC and the Export now seems to be working… haven’t had the time to actually work with it yet, will post if I run into any other stupid questions. Thanks for the support!
Hello, I have a question regarding VST Live Export, the C14 VST Export creates a file with extension .vlsprj how ever I cannot import it to VLS Live becouse the expected file extenson is .vlprj. How can I import the project to VST Live?
Thank you for the prompt replay , my main concern is that the MIDI file that was audible in the C14 is not audible in VSTL
Heads-up Im compleatly new to VST -L