a new VST Live Mods 1.1.60 is available.
- Chords and Lyrics are not updating while Song-Switch or Project-Load
You can download it in the Apple App Store.
See you,
a new VST Live Mods 1.1.60 is available.
You can download it in the Apple App Store.
See you,
quick test here. My lyrics lines are totally off-sync
VL:2.1.4 MODS on iPhone:
Bar numbering with iOS playhead is correct. Displayed lyric-lines are on huge off-sync
… I guess it’s about your TC and StartOffset settings. Can you try a fresh project, better?
negative for this current situation:
StartOffset == 00:00:00:00
DisplMode == Beat
Updated iPhone (to 1.1.60), left iPad (1.1.50) un-updated.
1.1.50 is in sync
1.1.60 is in huge off-sync
… can you please create a “Project Archive” of the project ad drop it here?
Works for me. iPhone with latest updates and 2.1.4 for windows
….and then it didn’t when I tested it for an hour.
Spurious disconnects, and as @fkalmus said the sync goes out. I have a suspicion that it’s something to do with the screen zoom setting.
Will get back to you if I manage to nail it down to a recipe.
I tested it on iPhone and the 64 font size I selected in VST Live is unreadable in live mods. and sometimes the lyrics are out of sync
Have you tried “pinch to zoom”?
Also noticed that Live Mods really doesn’t like Lyrics that only have a Title Line (i.e just the Song Title and nothing else). Jumps all over the place and the timeline displays inconsistently.
Yes, it’s max pinched to zoom
Tried adding and “end” text to the empty lyric track - didn’t make much difference - but I did observe the bar counter disappearing at progressively lower points in the screen until it became invisible.
Also some weird vertical lines scrolling right to left in the bar counter.
Same here …
Lyrics scrolls faster on Mods, also the chords …
i’m on Mac
it seems randomly off sync …
2nd test: now the Mods is in time, but the external screen ist much too fast
This has to do with the length or duration of each line of lyrics with regard to the music. If you select the line in VL and increase the duration(bars/beats) of the selected line, it will show up correctly. Terribly time consuming, if you have to change all the lines.
… the main problem here is that the settings (zoom, font.size, …) of a song is also transferred to the MODS app. And the apps is loading it. If you close the Lyrics module and load it again, the default values of Lyrics module will be loaded and you should see the lyrics correctly.
The first step is to release a fix that those song-values (from the VST Live) will not be loaded. That is what we are doing right now.
The next step would be to add a lyrics-configuration view. With that config-view you are then able to set the size, color and enable the Chords view. What do you think?
… and this one needs to get a bit more love. While zooming the MODS should not try to set the Playhead cursor. It should jump back to the current position after the zooming has finished.
See you,
… @BlazingBlazer, the easiest way for me to get your problem reproduced, and to see if the fix will work, is to get access to your fill project. Do you think it is possible? PM?
Thank you,