VST - switch to B setting, or patch loading?

Hello all, is there a way in Dorico 5 to map (keyboard or midi CC) to the Switch to A/B setting in VST instruments?

Alternatively, is there a convenient way of loading different patches/presets via keyswitches/midi messages? I’m using Surge XT, for reference.

It would be up to the individual plug-in to provide a means of mapping the A/B switch to a specific note or MIDI CC value. There’s no built-in feature for this.

You can’t load different patches by way of a MIDI message or key switch. Use a multi-timbral plug-in that provides multiple channels, each of which that can accommodate a different sound, and then in your expression map you can switch from one channel to another using switches.

I have not found a way to map this. But it is easy to switch scene A and scene B in Surge.