Vst Top tab color now Black on Cubase 14. Was white on Cubase 13

Does anyone know how to change the top of a Vst back to white.
Mine is now Black which makes it difficult to see edge when I want to move it as it blends into the background.
Please see attached

Kind regards

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Hi Steinberg or anyone.

Can the above be changed in Cubase 14.

I imagine this is a consequence of C14 supporting Windows’ color themes?

Doesn’t seem like Preferences offer any control over that :frowning:

As @antic604 has alluded to, Cubase now responds properly to Windows colour settings.
You can change Windows custom colours to whatever you want and have it applied to the taskbar as well as the top bar in all windows.
So, if you set it to bright yellow, the top bar of your Cubase main windows as well as plugins will all be bright yellow.
This is a feature that many users were lobbying hard for after Cubase 13 was released.

…and it’s the same on macOS

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Thanks for the help antic604 & KT66.:+1:
Will try this weekend & let you know if this works. :crossed_fingers:

Yes this works but you have to use dark mode which changes all top tab colours including edge, chrome etc.
Now I can see edges of vst’s to move them :grin:
Kind regards

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