VSTGUI 4.11 Windows release build - Flickering

I’m checking with the standalone project, not my own plugins. I’m just pointing out that the issue could not possible be related the the uidesc file.

What about the fact that there is no issue with debug builds? Doesn’t that point to an optimization issue or a variable that’s not being properly initialized?

Here’s some video of the flickering. There’s one flicker at 10 seconds, and another just before the end. In my own plugin that has much more complex drawing, it flickers a lot more frequently.

I think that this only happens in Release is that the Direct2D engine is initialized with some debug options in the Debug build.
If you disable the flag on this line in Debug mode you will most likely see the same issue also in Debug mode.
Do you have changed any graphic card settings from the default on that machine? For me it looks more like a synchronization issue, which Microsoft claims should not happen with DirectComposition.

I don’t think I’ve touched the graphics card settings.
Commenting out that line, the debug build also flickers. I’m currently using NVidia’s ‘Studio’ driver. I’ll switch to the ‘Game Ready’ driver and see if that makes a difference.

Changed to the ‘Game Ready’ driver and there’s no difference.


Sorry for hijacking this thread…

I’m having a similar problem in release, but here it is all about images not showing up.
The background is like sometimes showing the image from other plugins in the same chain and sometimes part of the image from the DAW (Reaper). If I move my plugin after it’s been opened the background is light gray but the labels are always seen as they should.

So I thought to try to comment this line out that you’re talking about (DirectComposition), and and the background is always black and the weird problem with different parts taken from the screen and put in as a background for my plugin went away. But still the intended background isn’t showing.

By commenting out the creationFlags line didn’t make a difference for me in debug mode though.

Could this be the same issue in some way?

Kind regards

EDIT: I found my problem I was adding the background image directly to the View Container, this didn’t work in release I had to add a View as a background with my image. :confused:

I thought I found my flickering problem but it continues, it’s horrible, suddenly one control can have the graphics from another and then back to normal. I have been trying to move things around to see if it’s how I put the controls but, could it be because I have some of them with transparent background on top of each other?

It’s known best practice to not overlap controls. Maybe that’s your issue indeed.

Just here to report the flickering is still an issue in VSTGUI 4.12, and disabling Direct Composition fixed it.
Windows 10, Visual Studio 2022

My team has also encountered this issue. We looked for but could not find a cause in VSTGUI itself. The only solution that worked for us was to disable Direct Composition.

I’ve done a little bit of research for this problem lately and it looks like it’s a problem with Nvidia GPU’s and multiple monitors with different refresh rates. Firefox has the same problem and they also disable DirectComposition if they find that the user has such a system setup.

The machine I can repro on has an Nvidia GPU with a single display.

If I change the call D3D11CreateDevice call to use D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_SOFTWARE (instead of D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_HARDWARE) I no longer see the glitches…

So an option would make sense then, to disable hardware acceleration for people with such issues?