Wait, crashed session, not saved?

In Cubase, I can save a project without making changes… just do a CMD-S on the MAC.

In Wavelab, the option is grayed out. Why can’t I just save?

I was just working in a .wpr, not in a montage, on one audio file, making tons of changes in the Master section, to plugins… I hit CMD-S a few times and thought I had saved my .wpr project. Then Wavelab crashed (when I tried to browse to the file I had just rendered.) So I reopened, and it turns out the .wpr that opened up was from yesterday.

I don’t understand this behavior. Please elaborate.
Thanks very much.

You use the wrong Shortcut. Cmd-S is to save the current montage or file. The concept is different than in Cubase.

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Ah, thanks. That’ll help.

What confused me was “Save” and “Export” in the main menu, under “File”…

Export, I see, is basically the same as rendering. And Save, well, I don’t know what that is. I thought it was saving the project. But I do now see an additional Save inside the Project sub-menu, which is what I should have been using.


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