I searched for an other thread but could not find it.
I, too am having the same issue since the latest update
Thanks for the tip! Had the same problem and this fix work perfectly!
Thanks, solved this annoying “printer” message I had since Cubase pro 13.
so what is the solve please? i still have the issue
Mixer 1 , several comments above, gives the solution.
I had the same issue in Cubase 12 Pro after installing a new wireless printer, and having it offline. Not opened the score editor in this project. Not a big deal, the solution above is logical and functional. Just reporting so that it isn’t thought to be a rare issue.
Yes, this works but is I still get the message for a bit upon opening then it disappears. Just started happening a few days ago. Never use the printer with Cubase (12 pro here -Windows 10 pro up to date).
EDIT: I switched my default printer to my PDF printer - Foxit PDF Editor - and the message has not popped up in any way.
got the same with pro13 last version on Windows 10 last update
Hmmm I too have this mildly irritating issue.
I have found that if you open the score editor to have a look and do anything it creates a layout and the existence of that layout is what is triggering windows to present the printer message. If you get rid of the layout as Steve has hinted above, then I am convinced the problem will go away. So following the instructions on how to remove a layout.
Select a midi element on a track
open score editor (scores menu)
when scores editor opens select score> Settings from the editor itself
From the box that appears select layouts if you were like me you will see a layout in that box
Bottom left is a function header, drop that list down and select remove, then apply
And absolutely nothing will happen. The layout will not be removed. Ah life. One minute you’re up, the next you’re down.
Ah well. I still remain absolutely convinced that if I could get rid of that layout, then the printer issue would go away.
When I apply the workaround in Windows 11 by clicking:
it still gives me the error when a loading my project.

The good news is that if you leave it - it will give up after about 20 seconds and open the project.
OK @Paddy_Freethinker using a combination of things here is what has just worked for me. My life is now complete. (Reading back through the comments I now realise this is what Mixer1 has cleverly already suggested. Sigh !!!
Hi Michael,
thanks a lot for pointing this detail out.
Btw: The issue starts when I hit the hotkey Ctrl+R (coincidentally) in my activated project. Starting from then on, it will create this issue.
Kind Regards
Oh that’s interesting - do you have ctrl + R set up for something specific in Cubase or is it at its default of open score editor?
Certainly the whole issue seems to revolve around that area to me
Hi Michael,
I have it set to default, not customized to something else.
Cheers Paddy