Waldorf Iridium Auomation in Cubase 12

Hi everyone,
I am using Cubase 12 with my Iridium. Therefore I set up a Midi and an Audio track. When recording the Iridium Midi it is also recording manual changes of the parameter for example the cutoff.
My problem is, it is not recorded in the automation line of cubase. So I can not edit the paramameters. I am sure, the problem is me but I could not figuring it out via the Steinberg hel page.

→ Anyone an idea?

Screenshot of cubase. Iridium is the Midi changes from die Iridium itself, the line below does not response to that. Of course I can draw CC changes and Iridium will do it. But actually I want both lines in one track and not working against each other

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Thank you, that was it