Guten Abend!
In meinem Wavelab 12 Pro kann ich die einfachsten Befehle nicht mehr ausführen: Ich kann einen Audio-File beispielsweise nicht mal unter einem anderen Namen abspeichern!
Daher möchte ich das Programm komplett neu aufsetzen oder zurück in den Factory-Zustand. Die Neuinstallation über den Download-Center habe ich versucht, es änderte sich leider gar nichts.
Ich spiele mit dem Gedanken, alles, was ich von Wavelab 12 im Rechner finde, per Hand zu löschen. Doch befürchte ich, daß dann auch meine Lizenz verschwindet.
Daher die Frage: Wie bewerkstellige ich den kompletten Factory-Reset bei Wavelab 12 Pro?
Herzlichen Dank - und Frohes Neues!
Carsten Schneider
What version were you using before this?
Before Wavelab 12 I used 10 and 11 and 5.
Installing and uninstalling will not make your license disappear. You can try third party app like Geek Uninstaller, then install WL again through Steinberg Download Assistant.
Thank You! I unistalled Wavelab and installed it fresh and new -
and I still have the same problem. For example: I opened a simple wav-file 44/16, then I tried to save it under another name, just that, and Wavelab denies the procedure with the following sentence (see screenshot). The numbers and the file name have nothing to do with the name I gave. It seems to me, the even the cache is destroyed - but the program is set up brand new!
What might be the problem? Or better: What might be the solution? (96.2 KB)
Please test with this file on audio editor (not montage), with this preference enabled, by using Shift+S as short cut and see if save as works.
Your file extension in your screenshot looks like a wrong format to save.
It works fine with your file. But with none of mine. Still the same problem …
And the $$$ file extension was not typed by me! Wavelab supposed this - I tried an absolut other name without numbers etc.
Can you try copying your file to a new folder on your desktop and test?
I tried with a file from the desktop. I could save it under another name. Then I tried to render it and failed again (see screenshot).
What exactly is your file? an mp3? In a previous thread, it was suggested by PG to reset master section before you save/render.
It was just a stereo 16/44 file.
Thank You so much for your support!
I wrote a letter now to the steinberg support in Hamburg to wait and see what they think about it. Maybe its just a spider in the PC-brain.
Thanks again, Carsten Schneider
For me it looks like your file path is unusual or your file may be corrupt or in wrong format.
That is a good idea! The PATH seems to be the problem! (The file is okay.)
I tried a lot of other directories now - and they work fine!
I will keep on trying and give a report.
Hope everything works fine for you. Viel Glück.