Wavelab 8 Theme found in WL12

I just came across Wavelab 8 theme for audio file and montage. Is this an addition to the new update 12.0.51? When I installed 12 there was only dark and light.

Oh nostalgia … :smiling_face_with_tear:

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The Wavelab 8 theme is present in WaveLab since WaveLab 9. It is not recommended at all, because it is not maintained and probably is not well suited with all the color features that were added since then. It will disappear sometime in the future.

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I have to agree with you on planning to make this change.

I was curious to know - from the existing light and dark theme, if any of these colors can be made default and, if these colors can also be incorporated to Audio Editor (for the Waveform) and user can choose which color is default.

Well, if you create a Custom Style for Montage or Editor you can also define a new default color. Mind that there isn’t just one color to change but several (main color, outlines, backgrounds, selection variants, channel variants).
I find that quite cumbersome, on the other hand the current options give you a lot of control over the look, so you could create anything to your liking …

or something nonsense like this ...

Personally, I do not see any benefit to be able to change the waveform color in the editor like you can in the montage.

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In light theme, audio editor - waveform color is dark. When you select the whole file, it looks even darker.

While I see in the dark theme, the audio editor - waveform color is light and on selection it looks the same as a waveform selected in light theme.

I was using WL8 theme for a few days and switched back to light.

I think for the Audio Editor, it may be nice to have WL8 Theme or something very close as it only has few colors combined.

For the Montage your new themes are way better than the old theme, and some WL8 colors still look nice.