Wavelab is taking longer and longer to open

It seem to take WL 11 an inordinate amount of time to open. Sometimes as much as a minute. Is there some reason that this is happening? It has gotten worse over the past few weeks. I am on a PC running Windows 10 Pro with all the updates. Thanks in advance.

The only case I am aware: WaveLab is or was connected to some network drive. Whether the network drive is slow or unavailable. In the later case, there is a timeout taking place.

Thanks for the response. I am not using any network drives for mastering. Other causes?

License verification

You are probably correct. This ā€œnewā€ licensing setup is such a mess. It seems as if the people at Steinberg did not take the time to properly implement this before putting it out. Any suggestions on how to improve the load time???

When I first open WL in the morning it an take up to a minute to open. Subsequently it takes about 30 second to load. It never use to take that long. CONFUSED!!!

I am guessing what you are seeing is checking licenses>switching to SAM>logging in>etc and this process seems unpredictable.

For me, the thing about the license issue is that it ā€˜feelsā€™ unstable. Iā€™m kinda waiting for another problem. This is in stark contrast to WL itself which ā€˜feelsā€™ and is totally rock solid ā€¦ arguably the most stable and ā€˜best feelingā€™ WL to date.

I agree with you that this is probably the ā€œmost stableā€ WL to date. Everytime I see WL ā€œchecking for licensesā€ it gives me an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. I have left my dongles in place ā€œjust in caseā€.

When I open the ā€œrecent filesā€ window it also takes a long time to ā€œpopulateā€ which is very new. Normally it opens the window instantaneously. Are my preferences messed up?

I was told that the next update to the Steinberg Activation Manager (1.4.1) should improve this. I donā€™t know when this update is due.