Wavelab Output - more than 2 Chanels will not work

Hello dear readers,

I’m trying to do Multi Chanel recordings in Wavelab Pro for more than a week. Alternatively with a Tascam Model 12 and a Zoom F6 as In / Out Device - Interface.

I can’t get more than 2 chanels to physical outputs

New Projekt, New Audiofile (MultiMono / Mehrkanal). Input Bus Multi Mono (Chanels 1, 2, 3), Model 12 Chanel 1-3, Output Bus Multi Mono (Chanel 5, 6, 7) and a Recording as Multi Chanel Recording.

Sometimes I get a signal in the input level meters - but never more than 2 Chanels in the output bus.

None of the experiments with MixConvert V6 and the VST AmbiDecoder plugin is successful. There are 2 Chanels (Stereo) on the output bus as maximum.

How do these plugins work? Dokumentations are not very delightful.

The program is fantastic in parts, but Multi Chanel Recording or Playing is a not working. I didn’t get them running despite much patience.

Even Live Monitoring doesn’t get a signal on more than two output chanels.
I’m able to see the level meters on 3 to 6 chanels but I can’t get the signal to the audio interface.

I tried with a Mac Mini M2 and Windows 11 gemacht. Both machines with plenty ressources.

I kept on trying. With Tascam Model 12 mixer as audio interface.

First I assured the audio interface (Model 12) working with more than 2 output chanels and another program (I used Ableton for this).

Setup in Model 12

System / System / USB Audio = Multi
Then with Ableton 11 (I think Cubase will work as well) 4 audio chanels to outputs 4, 5, und 6.

That’s working like expected. No problems. The chanels arrive at the chanel strips of the mixer via USB.

After that another try with Wavelab 12 Pro


New project

Audio interface Model Mixer ASIO

Input: definition of a new bus - mapping of the physical input chanels 1 to three from the Model 12 onto a Surround L R C pattern.

Output: analog mapping of the Model 12 chanels 4, 5, and 6 to a Surround L R C auf Model Model - saved then with a new speakerconfiguration speakers #3 (This then is available as option for the output section in the main program)

Creating a new audio file Surround L R C 24 bit 48kHz

Recording => Up to this point things are working.

With the MixConvert V6 plugin in the WaveLab master sektion under effects now I’m able to see input levels from the Tascam Model 12 and anylysis windows (spectrum and others) are working with all 3 chanels.

Thats more than before.

=> B U T in the audio interface arrive 2 chanels as maximum.
I can’t get the 3 output chanels from the master section to the audio interface

Then I did some experiments with different interface options in Wavlab
( Generic Low Level ASIO, ASIO4ALL … )

Nothing worked.

Is there any solution?

Looks like WaveLab is not capable of getting more than 2 chanels to the physical outputs on what audio interface ever.

Best regards and many thanks for potential answers


P.S. Steinberg support doesn’t react. Request is from 17 of Dezember 2024.


Have you checked online manual or pdf regarding Multi Track ?

scroll down to “Recording Tab”

and check “Channel configuration”

One more… set Playback to same as Recording channels or WaveLab will be confused… like 4 channels or 6 channels or more…
someone else with more knowledge please…

regards S-EH

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Create a record bus then use the proper dialog. See as an example:


Thanks for your suggestions!

Yes I consulted the online manual.

And yes I recognized the advantage of choosing same
input and output configurations either - but that didn’t solve
the problem.


Thanks you for your quick help!

I used that dialog (hundreds of time :slight_smile: with different configurations).
That let me see signals from all desired (and defined) chanels for instance in the level meter and do some recording with correct playback.

So recording for instance 3 microphone inputs from the audio interface to 3 tracks (for instance as multi mono or as surround (3) ) works

  • but -
    there is no signal at the physicals outputs when playing back or performing
    Live Monitoring

I only can get a stereo output to the audio interface.

What I want to do is:

Recording up to 6 chanels from up to 6 Microphones. And then
do the Playback and send the signal of that up to 6 chanels to 6 chanels in the audio interface. (And from that location to six indipendant amps and speakers) to rebuild the recorded scenario.

The recording then works fine and records to the planed tracks - but real recording as well as Live monitoring didn’t yield any output at the audio interface and the mapped physical ports on to more than two chanels - that is stereo.

And yes I tried the surround configuration input surround / Multichanel
and output surround 5.1 L R C lfe Ls Rs

Are you saying you can’t output the audio to more than 2 channels?
Using waves or montage? What do you cal “Live Monitoring” ?

sorry I was interacting with the chatbot :slight_smile:

yes that’s it - I can’t output the audio to more than two chanels. In both cases with audio or waves and montage.

Live Monitoring for me is using the “Masterbereich” and there in the top line the Microfone symbol in second position from left.

I can’t get any physical output on more than 2 chanels.
With the same audio interface - here the Tascam Model 12
and other programs there is no problem.

In “Masterbereich” in the bottom line labeled “Lautsprecherkonfiguration” I choosed for instance number 3 which I bound to the output mapping in Voreinstellungen / Audio Verbindungen.

There I defined in Voreinstellungen / Audio Verbindungen / Wiedergabe
a new bus, named it Out 4, 5, 6 and mapped the 3 physical channels to the 3 internal Wavelab channels in this case in a Multi Mono chanel configuration with Layout Mono 3x.

Then I associated a “Bus-Kategorie” “Lautsprecheranordnung #3”.
In the Master Section (“Masterbereich”) I then selected Lautsprecherkonfiguration 3 for the output.

I did the same for a 6 Chanel Konfiguraration (5.1)

But nothing went to the Tascam. There is no output on chanels higher than 2.

I tried again with the 3 chanel configuration.

And although I defined that speaker configuration 3 to hold the 3 output chanels - when playing the recorded data the program opens that popup that tells:

With actual audio device connections not all chanels can be played.
I then can choose stop, … go on some chanels will be muted or option “Mix in Stereo”.

But in my recognition I defined 3 output chanels so why do I get that dialog?

yes and I recognized the time and had to think of the wellknown issues with getting out of the bed in the morning … :slight_smile:

For now thanks a lot - I hope we can continue the theme later this day - with some daylight perhaps :slight_smile:

so how do they say in that films … sweat dreams … and till later …

Can you post a 4 MB video, or a few screenshots of what routing worked in Ableton and what is not happening in WL?

yes I’m on it to create some screens.

so at last …

I try to post some media (screens and perhaps clips)

Let’s start with the Tascam Model 12 Test working with Ableton Live Lite:

I created an empty project, inserted 3 audio chanels and did the basic audio setup as follows:

driver type: ASIO
audio device: Model Mixer ASIO
sampling rate 44100

input chanels: 1, 2, 3 and 4 as mono and stereo channels
output channels: channels 3, 4, 5, 6 as mono and stereo

In the session view I setup the 3 tracks with output to external output and channels to 1-3 for tracks 1-3

This works the output from DAW goes to the Model 12 Interface via USB.
So Model 12 is working concerning output via USB.

If you post a picture like this PG may be able to advise you.

Your picture is not about WaveLab and can’t be of any help.

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You should select a surround layout, not discrete mono and stereo channels.


… yes I did a little Test Setup with Ableton and the Model 12 interface to ashure that the output of more than two chanels to Model 12 via USB and ASIO is working. It is. So the problem is not the interface. I think thats useful to know at first.

I took screenshots


… when I tried to load them up I got nice little message boxes saying that enthusiasm is a fine thing but to much enthusiasm as a new user is not

I then a few times I got message boxes that said:

Please wait a few hoursI with new postings, cause as new user the number per day is limited …

So I had to wait till now …

I did just that screenshots that you posted

short in words:
Ableton Audio Setup:
driver type: ASIO
device: Model 12 ASIO
Input: activated chanels 1-3
Output: activated chanels 4-6
Then 3 Tracks output to external device chanels 1-3 for tracks 1-3

It works fine.

See my further proceeding in the next post to PG1
And thank you for your post

Tried to post this and again got a box:


Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten: Wir schätzen deinen Enthusiasmus, mach weiter so! Um die Sicherheit unserer Community zu gewährleisten, haben wir jedoch ein Limit festgelegt – du hast die maximale Anzahl an Antworten erreicht, die ein neuer Benutzer an seinem ersten Tag erstellen kann. Bitte warte 3 Minuten, dann kannst du weitere Antworten verfassen.

I now get this box every time I try to post something even with hours between the posts.

@Steinberg Team
seriously ? :slight_smile: this forum and the abilies seem to be nice but that’s not for grown ups :slight_smile: ( 21 th century Terra and Peta Gigs of disk space strong processors and then brakes in case of some posts - huh )


I’m doing a little bet - will this post be processed :slight_smile: or do I get another box for my collection :wink:

Hello PG1, last evening I had to get some sleep. I did the Tests with WaveLab Pro again as described. I don’t try to post screenshots - cause that’s not real fun :wink:

→ No success. Even with switching output in the Master Section to Mix in Stereo under Master Pegel (the little Equal sign) there goes no output to the interface. I tried to get an output to another interface (Motu M4 ) and again got no signal in the interface.

You said

I tried many things with surround configurations. None of them worked.

I think it would be easier, if you could describe a minimal Configuration that gets an physical output to the interface.

That would perhaps be

  • a bus definition (in and out)
  • a type of chanel configuration (you said Surround would work)
  • perhaps bus category (to select it in the master section for output under
    speaker configuration)
  • audio or montage setup
  • and optional any plugins that will be necessary

Is there any standard procedure like that?

Best regards