WaveLab Scripting & External Programs

Good! Progress. I can get the zip example you posted to work by following the model in the PNG file. However, when I try similar things with the executables I would like to use, I’m given the message window with, for example, “The tool ‘CDP Blur’ could not start successfully. Please check its definition.”

Is there a log file where I can try to get more detail about why this failure is happening?

The executables I’m testing are already in my PATH, but I must still include the path to the executable file in the Initial Folder field?

There should be no difficulties including conventional command line switches, e.g., -i, -M2, in the Arguments field?

I can work these commands from the Terminal so I’m hoping / assuming the same syntax will hold. There’s no need to nest things in quotes or some such?

Thanks for your help. …edN

OK. I think I have something to work with now. There are complications with any of the executables that either pause or require a key sequence to terminate early. I don’t know if that is an issue yet.

One strategy that seems to work when setting up the external configuration is to choose “Explore” from the tool name field, find what you’re looking for and then drag it to the field. You end up with the complete path to the executable but that doesn’t seem to be a problem. (I don’t know if that obviates the need for the path in the “Current directory” field or not; not a big deal either way, I guess.)

One suggestion in addition to answering relevant questions from the earlier post, might be to try to figure out how to deliver status and / or error information to the user. I can see this being an increasingly important feature if one were to try to string multiple tools together in a batch.

Thanks again for the hints.
