Waves L3- series crashing wavelab 7.2.1

I just bought the L3- series from Waves. It works fine in Cubase 6.5, but is crashing Wavelab 7.2.1 consistently. All iterations of the L3- series (L3-LL, L3-16, etc.) are loaded POST so they only show up in the dithering slot, as I suppose they are designed to do. When you pick one, however, it crashes the entire Wavelab program before it can even bring up it’s interface. I don’t think anything has changed in my use of Wavelab, and all other Waveshell 9 plugins work as well (RennMax, Musicians 1, etc.). Please help.

Update the driver for your video card.

That was the fix! Thank you so much rtorstrick. If I may: When the L316 is loaded in the dithering slot (for the IDR), is there any downside to using the rest of the functionality post fader? Thanks for all your help!

is there any downside to using the rest of the functionality post fader?

No, since the IDR is last in all case.

Thank you, Phillipe. And my very best.