Weird sounds when adding new instruments to a score

I am working on a new orchestral score which I started in the classical orchestra template. I decided I wanted to add some percussion so I went to Setup mode and added cymbals. At first it worked but then each time I added a cymbal I got either a weird sine tone of a loud clicking. I found the same problem adding a bass clarinet and an English horn. What could I be missing here?

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I think I’ve had this issue before. Does this still occur after restarting the app?

Yes that was the first thing I did.

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What VST is the track using? If it is playing a sine wave, it may have reverted to Doricobeep.

Everything says noteperformer

Make sure that the Expression Map and Percussion Map is also set to Noteperformer’s maps.

They are

You’ll need to supply a sample document with the problem.

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You mean screen shots? I can do that tonight when I get home from work.

Reapplying Noteperformer Playback template usually fixes it.

A .dorico file would be more helpful, but that works too if you don’t want to share the whole piece or think duplicating the file will resolve the problem.

Ok I can send the file later. Thank you.

Here is the files… In the first one you will hear a loud repeating click instead of the crash cymbal. Also…strangely, last night the marimba part was being played on trumpets though this morning it’s back to normal.

The second file was my attempt to start it in a new template. Except for the clash cymbal, which was in the original template, all of the percussion is giving one click rather than the correct sounds. I did add xylophone in this file though instead of marimba and it worked fine.


Untitled Project 1.dorico (684 KB)
Untitled Project 2-[AutoSave].dorico (619 KB)

I should also add that Flute 2 in the second file is clicking and that was originally in the template but I deleted it and readded it and got the click

Hi @cforbes.cfl as @Nickie_Foenshauge says

and I can confirming that it works, for both of your files:

If you see (first Project) in Play mode/Routing you have for some reason no Percussion map and have channel 1 in the Routing, those things will be corrected after reapplying the PT:

From menu Play > Playback Template > choose Note Performer > click Apply and close

Thank you. I’ll try it and let you know.

Thank you! That fixed the problem

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