As mducharme has said above, the eLicenser is now irrelevant. Steinberg have moved on from it. Perhaps you should too.
I’m getting conflicting information on that. I still hear that eLicenser is used with Dorico.
The eLicenser was used with Dorico 3.5 and older. Dorico 4 and newer use Steinberg Licensing instead.
This is the information that I’ve been given, “eLicenser Control Center is not necessary for Dorico itself, but because it is still required for some of our sound content packs, it is still installed – but it will be removed when the eLicenser system is shut down for good next year.”
Would you like to see a video of Logic Pro running on my machine without any error messages? For that matter, Final Cut Pro, and Finale 27? I happen to have all three installed, and all three load perfectly fine without any error messages.
I’m not sure what will placate you at this point.
Actually, if you re-read the thread’s title you’ll see that it’s about welcoming Finale users to the forum.
Honestly, the eLicenser software itself is probably completely unrelated to the issue in your video. Most likely your physical eLicenser dongle is faulty or not connected and is what caused the error messages. It might also be that you had a Soft eLicenser instead of a dongle that went corrupt in an OS upgrade or something. But if you don’t care about the Yamaha plugins in question like Rev-X, just uninstall them so that it won’t try to load them.
I don’t even know where the Rev-X came from in your case. I own all the major Steinberg products like Cubase, Dorico, Wavelab etc and I’ve never seen that plugin before. Maybe something else installed it? (EDIT: from doing a search it looks like it comes bundled as a freebie with one of the Steinberg audio interfaces which I don’t have).
The problem there is a simple one where the plugin that Logic is trying to load is trying to find its license and cannot and is asking you to insert the physical key with the license. The same thing will happen with iLok or any other dongle solution where it will pop up with a similar prompt if it can’t find the license key inserted.
That’s awesome!
It’s not awesome, it’s what many thousands of Dorico users are accustomed to. I do have Cubase 13 installed on this machine too, so it’s not as if it’s just Dorico (from the Steinberg stable) that’s behaving itself.
A small proportion of computers do seem to have occasional issues, and people with issues tend to voice them (in order to attract help), whereas people that install without problems tend not to praise a hassle-free experience here.
I don’t really understand your intention here. If it’s to grumble about the eLicenser, that complaint is years out of date. If it’s to dissuade other people from using Steinberg products, this probably isn’t the place to do that (as people here are probably already Steinberg users). If it’s to seek reassurance that everything’s basically OK in Steinberg-land, well, plenty of people seem to be doing that, but you appear to be ignoring us and repeating your concerns regardless.
The Dorico installer doesn’t really bundle anything. It only installs the main program, all other recommended/optional components have their own installers. It will of course complain on startup if other recommended components are not installed, but still works. Probably no issues would be had if you don’t install the recommended components, but they only test the configuration fully with the recommended components installed.
I’m interested in using Dorico to replace Finale. I have reservations based on horrible experiences from Steinberg in past years.
I was actually searching to see if Dorico was a perpetual license - when I stumbled upon forum posts from users struggling to install Dorico. The red flag went up.
Dorico is indeed a perpetual license.
As I said, a small proportion of people/computers have problems with installing. This week the number of installation grumbles on the forum is higher than usual, but the number of posts is dramatically higher than usual, for obvious reasons.
What has been the cost of Dorico upgrades?
And the vast majority of users have no problems installing it. I saw a tweet that someone posted today where someone new from Finale complimented how easy the Dorico install was. But this is a support forum so of course you’re going to find people who have problems. The majority whose installs worked fine aren’t going to come here. And the huge flood of people coming from Finale makes that much more frequent.
Dorico upgrades cost $100 USD if you’re going between subsequent major versions (ex. 4 to 5). New major versions usually arrive every 1.5-2 years or so.
I bought Dorico 4 at half the price because of a discount, it was about 250 euros, upgrade to Dorico 5 was around 90 euros or something. There are intermidiate upgrades such as from 5.0 to 5.1, 5.1 to 5.2 etc, those are free. Don’t understimate them.
It’s confirmation bias if you are looking for phenomena like “other users are struggling with installation” when it’s something you already believe in. Some do struggle and report, some struggle and don’t report, same for those who don’t struggle, for variety of different reasons.
On the plus side major (paid) updates have always been feature rich, and for that matter the smaller point updates (which are free assuming you’ve bought the major update) throw in new features and improvements as well as bug fixes. And there tends to be a summer sale.
The Steinberg policy that makes the updates feel a little more like a subscription is that if you don’t buy into a major update, the next major update tends to cost a bit more. For instance, right now the update from Dorico 4 to Dorico 5 is £42.50, but if you’re updating to Dorico 5 from Dorico 1, 2, 3 or 3.5, it’s £67.50 (both of these prices are currently on a 50% discount).
When Dorico is closed none of those will be running, so none of those should slow down your system one bit when Dorico is closed, if that is your concern.
If you have NotePerformer you might be able to get by without installing Halion and Groove Agent, although Dorico will complain on startup that recommended components are not present, it still generally seems to work, although I always install them just in case unless I’m really pressed for disk space.
In my experience, a lot of people panic too much about the number of things they end up with in their Installed Programs list after Cubase or Dorico is installed. But these things aren’t running when Cubase or Dorico aren’t running. Generally you do want to keep a clean system and avoid bloatware etc, but things that aren’t running as services won’t impact performance when the application using them isn’t running. In fact it is better that Steinberg is creating separate uninstall entries for these because they are shared components used by Cubase and Dorico and if they bundled them with both by putting multiple copies on the same system to avoid creating multiple uninstaller entries, it would cause more problems, waste disk space, etc., all for the dubious benefit of making paranoid people feel better by shortening the size of their installed programs list.