Welcome thread for Finale users

I am sorry but this is a bit off. Is it possible to get a refund? I received a product that crashes when it closes, unless, allegedly, I take some steps that have nothing to do with a “close” operation, and will be “fixed in the next update”, and introduces glaring mistakes in a simple musicXML conversion.

Yes, besides mistaking time changes, there is obviously a “semantic” problem when “Poco più veloce quarter-note=80” is interpreted to “quarter-note=80” and “veloce”.

Not to mention that a free product, Musescore, has none of these problems.

So … I would like to return Dorico. Please let me now how to proceed.

I guess you bought the license via the online shop. So here is the link to the support Page for the Shop.

Let’s see how long that takes. This has already cost me hours.

To speak (hopefully somewhat objectively) as someone who has used MuseScore as well, for the sake of some of its MuseSounds (the choir is admittedly very nice), I have found importing MusicXML files into it to be equally problematic. I even imported MusicXML via StaffPad which is owned by the same company (MuseGroup) and it was no walk in the park, filled with issues I had to repair – not to mention MuseScore has many other problems regarding dynamics that jump all over the place.

But yes, it is free. And it’s decent. But hopefully you’ll give Dorico more of a chance with the understanding that translation from any products will always come with caveats, pros and cons. Hope you get it sorted!

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Dorico doesn’t crash when I close it. The problem as Daniel said is a bug that affects some users in some situations (which is the case with most software bugs) and it will be fixed in the next update. It is unfortunate that you are among the users who is experiencing this crash, but Daniel gave you the (very easy) way out in the meantime. That is not the kind of support and assurance you experienced with the developers of your previous software.

In Dorico all those tempo modifiers “poco più veloce” are just that, modifiers. The actual tempo is quarter = 80; “poco” and “più” are modifiers to “veloce” which is itself a modifier to the tempo. So the semantic way to import the tempo is as quarter = 80, with the modifiers in the “text” field in the Properties panel. That’s presumably what Dorico is doing, though I can’t see since there’s no screenshot or file posted. So this is not a semantic error on Dorico’s part.


I am not going to be dragged into a discussion pro/con Dorico, but really @Coranglais16 making “Poco più veloce q=80” to “q=80” and “veloce”, or “sub. P” to “P sub.” and “subito” above the staff might not be a “semantic error” to an engineer but is just a ridiculous outcome.
Screenshot 2024-08-29 at 10.43.40 AM

But again I could not care less. I wasted hours on more than trivial tasks, and I do not have the time. Hopefully I’ll get a refund and move on. Thank you for the replies and looking into the crash problem. Thankfully Finale can keep running for many years to come.

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Thanks for the suggestion! Something to consider in future. However, i’ve run into (the first) really major problem with notating in Dorico. I can’t input or move rests around. (I don’t mean printing or engraving, i mean the actual rests themselves). I 've gone thru the lit a bit and it seems the paradigm for notating in dorico is very different from finale. I mean, i can work around it by copy and pasting and deleting notes and replacing them here and there, but to me, it’s really frustrating because e.g. i have several bars of 4/4 crotchets and i need to “shift” the notes a quaver rest to the right. In finale i would just delete the last crotchet in the bar, use the rest tool and place the quaver rest in front of the first crotchet.

Maybe i’m not used to the new way of writing. (I read on discussions that dorico users do not input rests… just the notes themselves placed in the right place in the bar).

I think the main thing with me is that i mainly notate using mouse and keyboard, and less so using a midi keyboard input - correct me if i’m wrong but dorico is designed more for notating by actually playing the notes on a keyboard input device -?

Anyways, calling it a night :stuck_out_tongue:

All your frustrations seem to be related to the imperfections of MusicXML transfer.

Have you even bothered to try producing a score fresh in Dorico?


Yes, Dorico works differently. There are probably a lot of ways to do this, but I (not a very fluent user) would do this.

Select note lenght. Start insert mode (either the symbol to the left or I key). Select rest (either symbol to the left or , key). Use mouse to “click” the rest in place. Everything after will move to the right. Don’t forget to exit insert mode.

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Yes, rests are generated automatically based on the space between notes. So you need either to change the length of some notes, or to move them. Then the notes will adjust themselves automatically.

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IN addition to the methods above: select the notes,; make sure the duration grid (bottom left hand corner of the window) is set to quaver; and press ALT right arrow.


aha there you go. Thanks a lot, will try it tomorrow! hope its easier than what i did which was to delete all the notes in the bar and re-notate all of them a half beat from the beginning of the bar :slight_smile: cheers!

yep that’s what i did but coming from finale, it just seemed very cumbersome and time consuming. Also, and I’m sure since i’m very new that there is an easier way, i think i had trouble replacing a single crotchet note with a crotchet rest. Maybe i just haven’t found the right way.
Btw, don’t get me wrong, there a really LOTS of stuff about dorico that i do like. Being able to use the scroll wheel to view up, down, pan right / left and zoom in and out seamlessly while playback is on, for one!! (can’t do that in finale, the score gets cut off and superimposed).

Usually delete works.

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Ehhh ok . I did delete eventually (as in, i deleted everything in the bar and renotated). In finale i hotkey the crotchet rest and click on the note. It changes to a rest. It’s just way faster. But lemme keep trying.

EDIT: btw fellas, thanks to all of you who gave splendid suggestions… i’ve reached my post limit of 15 posts and system won’t allow me to reply until 15 hours later (which might be a good thing???)

@Janus - it’s 3am in singapore now so letme try that again tomorrow :slight_smile:

@benwiggy - ah, now that sounds like a great way to do what I want. So, essentially, I can adjust the note’s pitch up and down (ALT+up/down arrow) AND also move them forward in the bar using ALT - left /right arrows)?

2nd Edit: hours later…

@YourMusic.Pro @sjanssens @benwiggy @Janus @ghellquist @RichardTownsend many thanks to everyone, yep, they all work as you’ve mentioned. the best is using ALT+arrows to shift up/down for pitch adjust (which i alrd figured out much earlier) and right/left to “time shift” notes back and forth (which i didn’t realise, works a dream_) :slight_smile:

also, i know some of you are actual dorico developers so must be inundated with work right now, yet are taking precious time to answer my queries. truly appreciate it.


Seriously? Select the note and hit delete (it becomes a rest). No need to hotkey anything.


Delete the note. In Dorico, rests are kind of like negative space, just the void between notes. Generally, you don’t place rests, they just appear where the notes aren’t. It takes a little getting used to, but it’s really quite elegant once you do.


Yes! :smiling_face: Isn’t it splendid?


iMac running Mac OS 14.6.1 here. Long-time Finale user with thousands of files, so I bought Dorico 5 Pro … but the Steinberg installer did not include an audio engine for Dorico (I guess) because every time I try to launch Dorico, it hangs and says “Dorico cannot connect to the audio engine. The application will now quit”.

Wrong. It does. There is something awry with your setup, so … Do a Help>Create Diagnostic Report and upload the zip file here. One of the Dev team will sort it out for you.