Welcome thread for Finale users

If you put in on NumPad 0, then that would mirror Finale’s “add rest”. (I use Advance Caret" to the same effect, but I think that only works with Duration before Pitch.)


@FredGUnn OK, good example there. GABC on bar 50, let’s say, and the score goes to bar 100. what i want is to delete A, leaving it as GBC (meaning I don’t want a rest there). So, i do Insert toggled and delete A, right… so B and C gets shifted to the left by a quarter beat. So how do you stop the rest of the notes after bar 50 to also slide to the left a quarter beat? This is a problem i am facing. I tried to “lock duration” for the whole of bar 50, but that doesn’t work.

So i guess in dorico i would delete A, that leaves a rest there. Then select B and C and alt-ctl shift to the left.

But in finale i just delete the A and its done. the rest of the notes after b50 doesn’t move around

Oh interesting, I don’t think I’ve ever even used that in Finale lol. I always just manually input the rest I needed.

You use the insert stop line (shift-alt/opt-I) at bar 50. It appears as a red vertical line

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In Dorico you have all options.
If you make yourself acquainted with Insert Mode, you will have a way to tackle your challenges.
Input Mode has 4 modes, the first one is being Off; then if you activate Insert Mode with I you have three further options…

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It would actually be enough to just alt+left the B and C. No need to delete the A first.



I’m wondering what the difference would be between using Sketch directly and using it with Noteperformers NPPE as middle man. Could someone explain this to me?

If you use Iconica Sketch within NPPE, you benefit from NotePerformer’s algorithms for phrasing and expression, and NPPE also does clever things with loading extra instances of sounds in order to provide a fuller, thicker sound. If you already have NotePerformer, it’s free to give it a try, so try it out and see whether you like how it sounds.


Thanks for the explanation,

since I’m very new to Dorico, how do I tell Dorico to use NPPE with Sketch? I have activated NPPE for Sketch, but what now? Should the template be for NP or for Sketch?

If Iconica Sketch instruments are loaded in NPPE, then the NP plug-in will use those sounds, instead of its own.

Yes I do, solved, thank you all!

“So I’m using NP as Playback template?”

I’ve been using Finale since the initial release for Windows, so for something like 34 years? My main use is doing arrangements of classical pieces for other instruments, and I rely heavily on Speedy Note Entry from the computer keyboard.

This is the thing that I’m missing badly after a couple of days of trying out Dorico SE, and it slows me down considerably. Without it I’m very reluctant to take advantage of the offer and purchase Dorico.

Is it likely to go beyond the “thinking” stage? :wink:


Is there a possibility to send log files just in case something weird happens inside Dorico? Like this “Wiedergabe” sign (that’s PLAY in English) that doesn’t go away?


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Ok, it seems that has already been reported:

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Welcome to all the Finale refugees. Someone may have mentioned this already but I recommend that even before you download and install Dorico, do this: a. print all your Finale scores and parts to PDF and b. batch convert all your Finale files to XML using batch export, see the video below. And of course have cloud backups and physical backups.

That way even if everything goes to hell (computer crashes, Finale won’t run anymore, Dorico won’t run, issues with authorization, end of the world etc etc) you at least won’t be totally stuck.



Hi, I saw the sunset email and IMMEDIATELY took advantage of the Dorico offer. Now I’m hunkering down. I figured out how to export and import, how to direct the dorico file to the location I choose (NOT on my C drive), I see that I can print…but my sample is more pages than my finale document. I read many of the posts, and forgive me if I missed someone else asking this question:

I was able to “design” what went onto a page so that a page turn was intuitive - at the end of a chorus, for example. To accomplish this, finale let me “lock” a certain number of measures in a staff - either through the entire piece, or one staff at a time. I’ve watch a few of Ben’s videos and there are some Awesome features I want to gain facility with, but for now I just want migrate my music to dorico and know that I have the same sheet music to hand someone. Do you call this something different? let me know where to read about it, please.
Thank you

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Yes, quite likely, but so far with the huge influx of new users we’ve all been almost completely consumed in just trying to keep up with questions, so even actual deep thinking has been difficult to manage this last week. Once things settle down we should be able to look at this more sensibly.


I suggest you start in the operation manual here:

In Finale you could use the up and down arrow keys to move bars between systems in the (?) Page Layout tool; Dorico has a similar facility in Engrave mode with . (full stop/period) to move to the next system and , (comma) to move to the previous system.

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Thant is good to know. Thanks.

Having occasionally perused this Dorico forum over the years to see what the fuss was about, I’m just going to say I’ve been making a serious effort to move to Dorico while finishing a new work of mine in Finale. Much as I love Finale, and I still do, there remain so many bugs and old, unrefined UX elements that I am unlikely to keep using it for new works. I had already started this current piece in Finale 27.4 so I kept going with it. But much as yes, some things are more natural to me right now in Finale due to muscle memory (just as in surgery, one sticks with what one knows unless a markedly better option appears), my next work will undoubtedly be in Dorico. Finale still has some bugs that are longstanding and were an issue for me in pretty much every work I’ve done over the past few years, and while some things may take a little longer for me in Dorico, many things will be much faster and more efficient from what I’m finding. I am trying to set some preferences in Dorico to better conform to my 30+ years of working in Finale (I know the preference is to just go with the Dorico way but for some things I’m going to make Dorico adjust to me, just as I could make Finale do things in a way that worked better for me personally). Once I have that done I’m hoping it will be smooth sailing. Just not having to deal with a bajillion plugins, some of which are very elegant and some of which are clunky, will be a vast improvement. And Finale is not going to be fixed unless something changes significantly; some of the longstanding issues are hard to work around in some cases. So I see this as a learning opportunity even if I had not planned to do it.


I’m thinking that when you import an XML file, none of the Finale layout parameters are preserved (system breaks, page breaks, etc.) – that will need to be recreated in Dorico. However… learning about the [multitude of] adjustable options, much of your previous work can be realized. Layout|Note Spacing changes can make a huge difference in rendering your score closer to the original.

If you want to preserved EXACTLY what Finale produced [“to hand to someone”], make a PDF in Finale for that purpose. When you migrate the score to Dorico you will need to spend some time cleaning it up and laying it out, as only the essentials (notes, articulations, most dynamics, lyrics, meter and key signatures, etc.) are preserved. Page layout is not included with XML files.

Yes, I know, it’s a real pain… but ultimately, your scores WILL look better! And if you work through the First Steps tutorial and watch the many helpful instructional videos, your work will become much more streamlined and ultimately quicker. Hang in there!

Edit: I would add – start with small projects to learn the program, before jumping in with a huge project on a deadline. 30+ years of Finale won’t help with adapting to Dorico. It’s a totally new approach to music notation – start with the basics [just like a toddler] – it will really help your understand of how things work.