What happened to the Documentation?

It was very handy in Cubase 8.5 and previous to have the documentation listed under the Help dropdown. Where did it go?

I wondered the same, then saw this thread thanks to fretthefret Why no link to pdf manual in Help menu? - Cubase - Steinberg Forums although it calls up the pdf via F1 instead of help menu. its actually quicker

I like having things on a web page rather than a clunky pdf, but this webpage behaves in a very annoying way: when you click on a category, the initial page is blank, and you have to click on a subcategory to see anything… Meaningless…!

I prefer the clunky pdfs for two simple reasons. I read the manuals on my iPad and having them as pdf’s, I have access to them even if the Internet connection goes down.

I also read the manuals offline on my iPadPro, and prefer the Pdfs by far over any web documentation for fast access and search.

Download PDF here: