What is happening with the staff spacing of the final system here?

Trying to understand why this is happening with the staff spacing of the last system, and how to fix it?

That last frame is below the threshold in Layout Options > Vertical Spacing > Vertical Justification, so Dorico is not adjusting the spacing of the staves at all.

I suspect that what you want is not to have those staves spread evenly over the whole page, but only over half the page (matching the first system on the previous page). You could accomplish this by spacing the staves out manually, or by dragging the bottom margin of the frame to the middle of the page and letting Dorico handle the spacing.


Brilliant, thank you !

I found @benwiggy’s vertical spacing guide helpful for understanding stuff like this too:


Here it is as an inline image.


Ah, this is very helpful! Although, it shows variables for 2 systems - my issue was an orphan system on the last page - changing the frame size seems like a more “Dorico” solution than manually moving the staves.

The real Dorico move would be to create a new page template that looks exactly like Default but with a shorter Music frame. This way, you avoid the override created by changing the frame of the Default page manually :wink:


The REAL Dorico move would be to set your “Ideal Gaps” to larger values, so that the finale system’s stave are spaced out more like the previous pages.

Remember that the page is spaced according to the Ideal Gaps and then it is stretched (justified) to fill the page (if it meets the percentage criteria).


This is exactly what I told them over there on Facebook :smiley:

Well, you don’t always have enough systems/notes/pages for this to be THE solution. But it’s obviously the FIRST solution to aim for :wink:
Mine is for those scores that won’t let you end with a full page (and they do exist!)
In any case, neither of our solutions involve letting an override on the file ^^

A cheeky Note Spacing Change usually fixes that! :grin:

Usually yes. But not always!

…so as to continue flow into another (or however many) system(s) to fill up the last page…?

Do you have a default setting for this? I understand it’s gonna be different depending on how much is going on above the staff etc…
I found that changing it didn’t do anything, but setting the minimum gap did the trick. It had been at 1 space (?!) Setting it to 6 did the trick.

That’s likely to have “unforeseen consequences”; I wouldn’t recommend it.

Generally, you want the Ideal Gaps to be “the lowest distances you will need”. Because the page gets stretched to fill the page after those values have been applied. So on a page that doesn’t get stretched, those are the values that will be used.

Setting Minimum Gaps to large values will just put massive margins of white space between each staff.

I’ve never understood why not the “minimum” distance but the “ideal” distance would be “the lowest you will need” - which is literally the definition of a “minimum”.