What is that tablet on the Cubase 10.5 page

Does anyone know what that tablet is on the Cubase 10.5 product page ?

Looks similar to the Hans Zimmer custom made tablet, not ?
Would be very handy right now.

Hi and welcome,

Isn’t it iPad Pro?

Who cares about the tablet , I wonder what kind of (cubase related) app is on that tablet


I would say this is MetaGrid.

That’s Metagrid - very popular control app.

If you already own an iPad getting Metagrid is almost a no-brainer.

I bought a used iPad for the sole purpose of using Metagrid.

Metagrid! If you haven’t got it, I suggest you check it out.

Metagrid Is avaible only for iPad or iPhone.
Can you tell me of there Is an equivalent for android sistema?

Nope, that’s why I bought an iPad, everything else I use is android. But used ones can go fairly cheap.

Thank you!

Just found this thread after having been away for some time.

On Android, TouchOSC works quite well. Cost only a few $$. YOu can design your own layout and switch between many of them. Takes some time, but not too difficult. Connection to DAW is via a MIDi-Bridge, so it appears in Cubase like a midi-controller.

Especially on tablets with higher resolution, you can get plenty of controls (buttons, toggles, fader, xy-fields, keyboards, etc.).

Am using it on an older Google Nexus 10. Has something like 2500x1400 pixels (number of pixels matters for TouchOSC).