When I create a note, the measure becomes strange

When I create a note, the measure becomes strange

The measure created above is the one with the system break applied

The second picture is the one with the system break removed

I want to put a lot of 64-beat notes in one line, but I can’t

It moves to 2 lines like the red box

I think the system break is the problem, so I turned off the system break,
but the measure is created like the yellow box

How can I get rid of the measure?

I’m not sure it’s completely clear what you want to end up with – do you want 2 bars in this system, each completely full of 64th notes?

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Yes please

  1. Enter your notes.
  2. Go to engrave mode, select the 1st note of bar 1 and the last bar of bar 2, hit “Make into system”
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In which case, either insert a system break after the second bar (ie at the start of bar 3), or set a fixed casting off of 2 bars per system for the entire layout (which would result in every system in this part having 2 bars in each system).

gracias !

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lillie gracias!