When I write, how to favor flats or sharps in atonal music

I’m looking for a way to instruct Dorico to enter all notes as either sharps or flats when using my keyboard, depending on the passage. The music I’m writing has no key signature, and I want to set this preference in advance rather than manually changing the accidentals afterward.

Under Library > Note Input Options… > MIDI Input there are some helpful settings:

Some helpful manual sections:


Great !! I’ll try to create a key command for this,

Actually, i could not find a Key Command. Can i set a key command in Dorico for note input options/preferred accidentals in atonal key signatures. Flat only of Sharps only ? thanks again

You cannot easily create a key command for a single option within an options dialog, no.

If it’s any help, you can script such changes. Record yourself making the change, and edit the resulting script to eliminate all but the first “local” line and the long line that sets the option.

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