I tried pressing the keyboard while in play mode, but nothing was pressed, so I’m asking.
Madonna, press Ctrl-2 (or Cmd-2 on Mac)
and your score will turn to Write Mode, where you can see your actual score.
Hello, I know what you said. I’m just asking because I’m worried that if I press the wrong button while playing, the score will be modified.
Ok, you can’t modify your score at all, while in Play-Mode (you can only modify the playback aspect of it). So all keypresses are pretty safe.
The Dorico team has put in a lot of thought about protecting existing work. The musical content (pitch, articulation symbols, the presence of slurs and dynamics, etc.) can only be modified in Write mode. To protect pitches from unintended modification, the ALT/CMD key must be held in addition to the arrow key.
In Engrave mode, only the appearance of the music information can be modified, not the content. For example, you can change the appearance of a slur, but not its existence.
You can’t change the content in any of the other modes.