We use an old Wavelab 6 program, and when working in a montage, if the engineer wants to edit out an extraneous sound, he clicks on the sound in the montage and then right clicks and goes to edit source. The .wave opens up with the whole file showing, and the sound engineer has to hunt down the unwanted sound in the entire .wave. Is this normal functioning, or should the point of source he is seeking be highlighted in the .wave.
Yes, it is normal. When you click on edit source, the file on your montage opens in Audio Editor Tab. You can edit and then save and close. You can also add markers to your files this way.
In an Audio Montage, your file is on non-destructive editing, but when you edit source, your edits become permanent on your file.
If this is about editing a song or a podcast, you can open it on Audio Editor (not Montage) in V6 - add markers and name markers. You can navigate between markers with keys 4 and 5.
After you save your audio, go to the edit menu, and there is create Audio Montage from Wave, there the Translate Markers option will already be checked. Now you can see your wave with Markers in your Montage.
Here you can edit source again through Montage with your Markers as reference.
You can also save a copy of your Audio on your PC and edit without using Montage.