When using Korg VST with Cubase, sometime an instrument gets stuck even I am not playing anything

I am new to Cubase and I installed Korg VSTs, but when I have multiple tracks of Korg and I am playing live, then one of the track sound kept on playing even I swithc to other track.
The only way to stop the annoying track, I have to open the Korg VST from the track and change sound and revert back. I am really frustrated , please help :frowning:
Also, I feel there is a sound/punch difference when I play Korg VST as a standalone application v/s when playing through Cubase instrument track. Any idea?

Hi and welcome to the forum,

You have to ensure, you always send Note Off. I.e., you have to release the key before you switch to another track.

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Thanks for prompt feedback. I will try that and I think this might work because I am using sustain pedal as well and that might kept this on, even though I switch track and not use sustain.

I will try your suggestion and update soon.

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