I suspect the answer to this will be embarrassing, but I cannot remember where the shortcuts that I have added are stored. For instance, I have programmed the 1 on the number pad to make a 3w:2w tuplet. Where do I change/delete that?
Within Dorico, it’s Edit > Preferences > Key Commands.
Or are you asking where on disk those are physically stored?
I looked there but do not know how to find it. How do I search for shortcuts by the key? I clicked in the box right below “Key Commands” and pressed the numpad 1. “Num+1” shows in the box but I don’t see what that key does (i.e. add that tuplet). Nothing appears in the window below it. Yet that shortcut does work.
There is not currently a good way to look up a key command to see what it does.
One thing you can do is navigate to some command in the list (I usually use Application > About Dorico, just because it’s right at the top) and then type the key command in that box. If that key command is already assigned to something else, then you’ll see a warning message.
Thanks! That works, but not at all intuitive, i.e. “See what a key command currently does by pretending that you want to assign it to something else.”