Where are the HALion Sonic SE sounds?

hello folks and a happy new year :slight_smile:

I’m a pro user and never usually go near HALion Sonic SE and all the bundled plugins.

However, I said I’d listen to some of my nephew’s projects which are full of HALion Sonic SE sounds. It seems that for me HALion Sonic is empty, as if I don’t have the sound library installed, or it is looking in the wrong location.

Anyone got any tips to get the factory sounds working?

Thanks if you do.


I have the same problem. Had LE 6, upgraded to Elements 7 with HSSE, but clicking “Load Program” in Halion brings up an empty Results window. I’m disappointed to see that your post has gone ignored for 6 months.

If you haven’t already done so, take a look here for a solution. Looks like there are references to similar problems.

Regards :sunglasses: