Where can I find the ‘arranger’?

I can name an arranger in the project information. What do I have to do if I want to list this (e.g. under the composer)? Unfortunately, I’m using German and I can’t find the term ‘Arrangeur’ when I open the dialogue that I think is appropriate… (see picture…).

Thanks again for your help!

In den Projekt-Infos kann ich einen Arrangeur benennen. Was muss ich tun, wenn ich diesen (z.B. unter dem Komponisten) aufführen möchte? Unglücklicherweise bin ich auf Deutsch unterwegs, und den Begriff “Arrangeur” finde ich nicht, wenn ich den meines erachtens passenden Dialog öffne… (siehe Bild…).

Vielen Dank für Eure Hilfe!

This “dialog” is the list of paragraph styles (Absatzstile). There is no explicit arranger (not even in English).

To make the arranger appear in the score and parts you have to edit the First (Erste) page template (Seitenvorlage) in Engrave Mode (Notensatz Modus) respectively.

Double click the First page template and insert the {@projectarranger@} token in one of the text frames, copy to the other side, apply and close.

Thank you so very much! What am I supposed to do without the forum… Where else do I get the spelling of this special token {@projectarranger@} which is necessary here…
Thank you very much!

dorico_5_1_tokens_en.pdf (89.7 KB)


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You don’t need the spelling at all. Double click in the text frame and then right-click and select the arranger/Arrangeur in Project-Info.

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