Where can I find the old "Reverb A" plugin?

It’s supposed to be but is not available on steinberg ftp website. At least I can’t find it there.

Does anyone have an archive of SX3 plugins they can share? I also miss their stereo delay whatever it was Have some old SX3 projects I’d like to revisit.

As far as I can see these two effects are not available as an individual download. You probably need to install an old Cubase version in order to get these plugins. Furthermore I assume they are 32-bit plugins, that won’t run on a modern 64-bit Windows.

If I may say, the Reverb A really did not sound as good as the current stock reverbs and the delay effect was nothing special either. You might be better off by just replacing those plugins with contemporary plugins and tweak the sound by ear to your liking.

Not sure if I can upload dll- (in a zip) files, but I’m gonna try.

Also Cubase 8.5 is the last version which can load these (32 bit)

Reverb A.zip (146.6 KB)
DoubleDelay.zip (165.3 KB)

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Thank you so much!

Unfortunately JBridge couldn’t process these. I’ll have to install Cubase 8.5 to open the old projects. But I saved them and will have them running hopefully.

I mixed a whole album with just these two guys a decade ago. And to this day whenever I listen to it one thing that sounds totally alright is reverb. I remember I preferred them to RoomWorks or whatever upgraded reverb Cubase had at the time. Very curious to revisit them.

Again, thanks for uploading these.

They absolutely will work on Windows 10/11 64-bit.

And they do work in C14 via JBridge. I use DoubleDelay all the time.

There are some very interesting sounds that can be made with this plugin due to the two tempo sync controls for the left and right. That is a function that I have yet to see implemented in another delay plugin so I’m still using the old one from SX.

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If I recall, you have to leave the plugins in the normal installation directory, and you can tell jbridge to put its 64 bit wrapper in your 64 bit plugin directory.