Where does the title info go?

I used ctrl I to bring up and enter the title arranger, etc, for the song, but when I go back to the full score under “write” all I see is the name of the song, not the arranger (in the case I’m working with I don’t have a composer, etc, at this point), but the arranger is not displayed (and I assume the composer, etc, would also not be displayed). How do I get that information displayed? Also, I like to put the date of the sheet music on the bottom of the first page. Is that something that should be entered on the project info or just entered as a separate text box?

Which version of Dorico (SE Elements or Pro) are you using, because the routes to do this are different.

Dorico Pro 5 (just purchased in moving from Finale).

OK. You should create appropriate Page Templates in Engrave to do this. There are video tutorials to help.

Essentially, any of the fields in the Project Information can be added as tokens in text frames on a page template and positioned where you want them.

I went to engrave but don’t see anything that looks like setting up a page template.

Check out this video about this topic:

I haven’t viewed to the whole thing but the same concepts will apply.

FYI: Page Templates are here:

And edited here:

The “arranger” token isn’t on any of the factory default page templates, so you will need to add that token in a text frame in the relevant place(s), most likely on the First page template.

How do I enter, for example, a token for arranger in a text frame? And can the text frame include some text plus the token, for example "arranger: " plus the arranger token. Also can the text from only occur is there is a value in the token (for example, the lyricist is only displayed when there a lyricist name has been entered on the page data)? That would mean it would show “lyricist: John Smith” if John Smith entered as the lyricist, but if blank the word “lyricist” would not be displayed.

Tokens are displayed as: {@token@} e.g. {@flowarranger@}

Here’s a list of available tokens:

In a Text Frame you can definitely mix text and tokens e.g. Arranged by {@flowarranger@}

I’m pretty sure that you can’t have text that will disappear if there’s no value for the token: e.g. you can’t have a blank text frame for “Arranged by {@flowarranger@}” when there’s no arranger written in the Arranger field of the Project Info dialog.

What you can do is include the “Arranged by” in the Arranger field. Then, you could delete it from the Arranger field and the frame would appear empty.

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Bonus: once you’re inside a text frame and have the cursor, you can right-click and select tokens from the context menu.

Only the token itself won’t appear if it has no corresponding information. Any other text in the frame will appear, regardless.

I thought I was just too tired last night when I kept misreading this as {@flowerarranger@} … but it’s still happening this morning! :laughing:


I saw on the engrave pages something that said “flow” instead of “project”, and since projectarranger didn’t work, I tried flowarranger, which still didn’t work. Since the project info includes “arranger” as well as title, etc., I thought that typing in{@projectarranger@| would reference the arranger, but it didn’t.

In the text box after I typed in "arranger: " I right clicked and this time arranger was listed, so I selected that and now the arranger is displayed on the music. Previously arranger wasn’t on the list. So my problem is solved.

Glad to hear that it’s sorted out… If there’s any more troubles it would be best if you upload an empty project for someone to look at, rather than just a description.

You made me double-check!