Where is Pantheon?

I succesfully installed the Cubase LE5 delivered with the alpha studio hardware on my Windows7 Pc. By documentation, the Pantheon reverb is included in this package. How can I find and use It?

Create a track (instrument or audio) and add it as an effect (either insert or send, your preference).

Thanks, I tried it, but there isn’t Pantheon option among inserts or sends. May be, the installation failed.

Or it could have installed to a folder that isn’t one of Cubase’s defaults for VST instruments.
If that’s the case, you can just add that folder to the list of VST folders in Cubase.

Thanks. I listed all installed plug-ins(Devices/Plug-in Information) and Pantheon not found. Then I searched all the C: drive for a filename Pantheon and nothing found, except Pantheon Manual pdf. So this pug-in missed somewhere. Also the installation Cd doesn’t contain such file.

It’s probably buried in the installer.

It may be in the same folder as that.

Re-installed, found, working. Thanks!

Im having the same issue