Where is Swap Stereo Channels in Montage?

In Wavelab, you can open a song and play in it Wavelab. If you want to swap stereo channels on edit there is an option. If you open the song in montage, under edit I dont see any option to swap stereo channels. As you have your master folder on the left and the songs that you added in montage show up, you can go into the separate tracks and swap the stereo channels but once you go back to the main folder of montage, I don’t see how you can do this feature in montage. Please advise.

There could be other ways but in the montage, I suggest inserting the “Stereo Tools” plugin either on a clip if you want to do it per song, or on the audio track or montage output FX if you want to affect many songs with one plugin.

See the picture attached of the plugin itself.
Swap Stereo Channels.png

Excellent, thanks a lot. The other stereo tools seem helpful as well.