Where to find the panner for the SENDS?

Hi , I am sorry , But I do not understand WHERE in Nuendo can I make a panner for the sends visible?
Please, guide me , I get that it has something to do do with ”track column” but I dont understand…
So the exact move to get a panner for the sends would be appreciated!


There’s only a single spot where we can actually see the panning of the sends:

Hi! Thanks for answer… but I do not even recognize that view… my mixerwindow does look different, I am not at my daw for the moment… where and how do I change to your view?

Micke, it’s not a mixer view but a window specifically for channel settings. You can open it by either clicking the “e” in your mixer or in the project window. You can select to show the “e” in case it’s not currently showing, and you can also assign a key command to bring up the window (toggle it) instead of clicking:

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What! Ok…not so strange I never got it…

Many thanks !

Best regards, Micke.

det var så litet så…

Ha ha! Tack i alla fall!