Which versions of Cubase has volume curves on clips?

In Cubase 8 pro there was the basic functionality of editing volume curves on clips.

Volume curves in clips were upgraded in Cubase 14 to work more like track volume curves. That’s great

In Cubase 8 elements not even the basic functionality was there, you had to buy the pro version.

How about Cubase 14 elements? Is there any volume curve editing possible on clips?

From what I have seen in the different Cubase 14 Operation Manual versions, it seems that only the Pro and Artist ones have the Event Volume Curves feature implemented. :neutral_face:

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Would that mean Elements would still have the little volume square in the top middle (the One that was replaced with the C14 new Event Volume Curves)?

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More or less, yes, but from what I have seen, the difference is that the overall volume clip in Elements is only controlled with the new event volume fader, reachable on the bottom left of it. Pro and Artist have the added Event Volume Curve, usable with the Draw tool.

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Crystal clear, thanks for the answer!

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