Hi @ste2123190, in bar 3, select the two C on 2nd and 3rd clarinet, and the rest of 4th clarinet, and in the Properties panel (that you can open with command(control)+8) uncheck Starts voice.
Thanks! That also answers why after importing an xml file sometimes whole rests don’t show…unchecking “ends voice” before the empty measures brings back the rests…again, thanks!
If this happens often, you may want to uncheck this preference in Dorico Preferences/MusicXML Import, and reimport your XML file, and so doing, let Dorico decide with its own algorithms what should happen to rest visibility :
Quick tip: Often, rather than hunt down the notes with the starts/end voice properties set, you can select all, filter for notes and then just reset the properties.
I am looking at the properties window, and am not sure what you mean. If I select all, then in properties I don’t see voices. I will have to dig more into the manual
The Properties panel shows only settings that are applicable to the current selection. So you can’t just Select All, because that includes more than just the notes. That’s why Janus said filter for notes first.
Thanks for the link. If you look at the attached, one show that if a note is not selected in write mode, filter by notes is grayed-out. In the second image, if a note is selected, then filtering by flat notes can be selected (as an example), but I expected the flat notes to be highlighted. That doesn’t happen, and I cannot see any effect of the filtering process. I read the manual, but still don’t understand what I should be seeing after the filter.
Oh, BTW, using CMD-A only selects things in the flow selected. I have not been able to find a way to select everything in all flows aside from dragging across everything with the pages made quite small…
I guess I was hopeful that using the filter function would have automatically scanned the score…like almost any other filter (such as email, spotlight on the mac, searching a for a term on a spreadsheet, etc.).