Example 1.3–Erbach Ricercar stretto.dorico (711.8 KB)
In meas. 285-286 of the uploaded piece, I want the bass staff to show whole-measure rests in both tenor and bass voices. I have successfully achieved this result in other pieces using the Bars and Barlines popover, but that trick doesn’t work here. I think I have done the proper setup in Library–Notation Options–Rests. Help!
Select the rest in one of those two measures, open Properties and enable Rest pos. This will show that the rests for both voices do actually already exist. You can then use Rest pos. to position them where you want them. Do the same for the other measure.
The Notation Option which will possibly do what you want is Rests > Rest Positioning > Coincident rests of the same duration in opposing voices: > Show every rest in every voice.
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