Why has cubase lost all contact with my interface

interface not showing up anymore … kicked me to generic… all other apps are working through the interface

Did you try restarting your computer?

We don’t have any info about your system such operating system, Cubase version and interface. The advice below is generic.

It can be annoying I know but if your computer sees the interface then Cubase will too. Check in the operating system sound settings what sound card is being defaulted to.

It can firstly be a matter of checking the physical connections which can sometimes inadvertantly be pulled out slightly so the computer doesn’t see the interface. If it’s not that then try uninstalling and then reinstalling the latest drivers following the install notes from the manufacturer of the interface. Most of the time, restarting after the uninstall and then also the reinstall is required.

sure i did
and reinstalled the driver for my motu828es

win 10 pro latest bild and update
cubase13 pro
etc etc etc

ok this is what happend a few weeks ago i was having problems with my qcon g2 pro (see my post about it dropping out)
the same time i was working late a tired i got fed up with the drop outs from my midi controller so i decided to unplug it
i turned off the wrong usb thus losing my motu interface

the generic driver choice box came up and in my haste i pressed yes instead of no

now i only have the generic asio driver and no choice other than that…

what i have done so far
rolled back windows to another date
re installed cubase
re installed motu drivers

what i need to do
trash prefs
re reinstall cubase
look at the windows power scheme
keep you posted

all other apps are seeing my motu asio driver
bfd stand alone
band in a box
windows audio
media players etc

this is what i have
s-shot1.pdf (42.2 KB)

Regarding your screenshot: In the dialog, select “Audio System” on the left hand side.
Then you should get a menu on the right from which you can chose the driver.

oh god i need a new brain …how embarrasing …
thanks so much J.M.
i owe you a pint or ten
thanks again

Weird do you not get a popup when you start up Cubase and it finds a different interface attached?? Is that maybe a Mac/CoreAudio only thing?

I normally work with my 828x but once in awhile like late at night/early morning, I’ll start up Cubase without it so I can just ‘write’ or whatever with my desktop speakers. As soon as Cubase starts up it asks me if I want to use one of the other audio devices since it cant find the MOTU turned on. If I switch it to the built in audio, do my work, and then later open Cubase with the 828X attached, Cubase asks me again which driver I want to use immediately when I open the app…