Why triangle has no sound?

When I do: create new->empty->add single player and choose triangle and write 8th: no sound!!!
The same procedure but choossing clave or cowbell : sound ok
Thnaks in advance for some answer (Dorico out of the box…iconica sketch problem??)
claves_sound ok.dorico (523.6 KB)
triangle_no_sound.dorico (566.3 KB)
The files here:

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Hi @Dup,

first of all, try to reapply your Playback Template (menu Play/Playback Template… → Select the bottom PT with Iconica Sketch, and click Apply and Close), and check that in the Halion Sonic the Percussion Map is loaded, and you can adjust the level for the triangle percussion map slot, as described in this visual help (follow the numbers):

here another example (from the attached Dorico file), where the first slot is for the triangle:

Dorico file example:
triangle dynamics.dorico (748.8 KB)

And yes: the triangle seems to playback very softly in Iconica Sketch (compared with Note Performer Triangle for example):

You can also try to narrow down the min and max dynamic levels, in Playback Options (an explanation is in the dialogue itself), depending and proportionally on/to your usage of extreme dynamics:

Thnaks for the reply: your are right. the volume is too much softly (inaudible) even with volume +6 and velocity 127 so unusable.
My next try was to use the triangle of the Halion but here with this configuration it triggers a wrong note:

here the file
triangle_no_sound_halion.dorico (610.0 KB)

  • the values are inversely proportional, so you need smaller values (numbers) to have a larger dynamic range between for example p and f (if you use ppp and fff you need larger values to extend the dynamic range)

When I opened your file, there was no expression and percussion map assigned.

After reapplying a playback template with HSO, the correct maps was applied (and of course HSO has a different note for the triangle that Iconica Sketch), and the sound was there:

Here a video showing that:

And the Dorico file:
triangle_no_sound_halion-CORRECTED reapplying HSO PT.dorico (557.3 KB)

Thanks but something I didn’t understand! You bypass the problem in changing the playback template so I think we can’t use Iconica Sketch and HSO sound in same project.??!!
Like this (as my first printscree above):
So I think, I don’t understand this part of the program

For me (for the next time) and perhaps for other.
I use this template playback

And I finally use kontakt.
Just record a pattern and put then the .wav it in Kontakt than slice it into notes . put all the mute sound on a2 and all the open sound in B2 to have some variaton of timbre
The I create a perc. map in Dorico:

and the result:

Hi @Dup, yes you can freely override instrument families and even single instrument so that you can use different sounds from different libraries (with their endpoints and maps originally assigned to a different playback template). I made a short video to show you how to do this:

Video example on how to use (for example) only the triangle sound of HSO into a duplicate of Iconica Sketch Playback Template (via combining them and overriding the triangle):

This is also a fine solution! :slight_smile: (which Library do you use for your triangle example in Kontakt?).

Once you create your endpoint configuration for your newly created triangle, you can use the method explained in the video on my previous post, to combine your created triangle as an instrument override, editing a duplicate of your main Playback template (the on with iconic Sketch).

@Christian_R Great thanks for sharing your science!

It’s my own one. I resample a roll and put it in the kontakt file…so I pur all here if you are interested.

And the files (in the kontakt one you will find enough other sample if you want to change a little, it’s a very small triangle 10cm but heavy and I stroke it with a thin metallic rod) :
my_small_triangle_ok_kontakt.dorico (630.6 KB)
My small triangle_with_roll_dorico.zip (2.0 MB)

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